Heroes of might and magic 3 factions
Heroes of might and magic 3 factions

The entire town has a wonky resource cost IMO. Cyclops are great but cost way too many resources to get access to.

heroes of might and magic 3 factions

Orcs suck, equalling lizardmen in uselessness with the exception that orcs are a tier higher. Wolf raiders are good, but like harpies, vulnerable and will be killed instantly. Behemoths don't get to fight on round 1, rocs will get focused down fast, ogre magi will be ignored and their role effectively dismissed. However, there's no punsch in the army, at all. No, I take that back, Rocs are amazing, Behemoths are great fun to play and ogre magi are among the best tanks in the game. I hate Stronghold and how shit Everything about it is. I've really tried to like Stronghold, but every time I've regretted picking it. To me it's a Town that might take on Inferno on an open field, Dungeon or Necropolis when it's caught off guard, but not much more. Lizardmen suck and wyverns are okish, but can't reliably charge over a sieged city wall to take on the entire enemy army the way gryphons can. Gorgons, basilisks and gnolls are unimpressive and unremarkable, neither fast, damaging or with any gamechanging abilities. Hydras are the bottom of the barrel of tier 7's. The only great thing is their tier 3, dragon fly. I've got a friend who swears by Fortress, but I just don't see it, and never have. In Heroes 5 you blast across the map on turn 1 and cause havoc on the enemy before they can fire or position, here you're lucky if you can make a dent on turn 2. The crippling shortcoming of Inferno, to me, is that the units aren't fast enough. Hell hounds are amazing, pit fiends are good and efreeti are useable. As it's a melee town with just one average shooter, it needs to get into Close combat on turn one, it needs to get first move to cast its mass spell, but sadly only archdevils get across the map instantly and they don't garantuee you the first move. I really like Inferno, not because it's particularly good, but because the playstyle fits me great. I feel Dungeon is like Rampart, perhaps a bit more balanced in stats between tiers, not having any real trash tier, but having alot of restricting flaws in each tier instead. Minotaurs are ok, Manticors are useful, dragons are a problem for you as much as for the enemy. Harpies are great, but you can't build your army around a tier 2 unit, sadly. Good shooters without being really amazing. Too slow to work in PvP, with only 1 really good unit. Too reactive of a Town to be really powerful IMO, strong against the AI and roving bands of monsters, but abusable by human players. Dragons have Always been problematic for me because they don't respond to haste, bless or frenzy.

heroes of might and magic 3 factions

Unicorns and centaurs are strong, reliable units. I've never enjoyed this Town, and feel the morale thing as well as most of the units are vulnerable early on in multiplayer, especially against Towns like rampart and conflux. The real strength is in numbers and getting lots of extra creatures from necromancy. If you lose a cog in the creature Wheel, you can become very vulnerable and get absolutely destroyed.Ĭheap Town with great tier 4 & 6 units. I feel Tower is week against faster Towns though, like Conflux and Inferno. Titans and archmages are amazing, iron golems are great tanks and genies/nagas are very useful. Only real downside is the insane building and weekly creature recruitment cost IMO. Great tier 6 unit and all around useful tier 2-5 units.Īrchangels, cavaliers, monks, crusaders and gryphons are great, the rest are useful on the good side. Pixies are insane, Phoenix is the game winner with its garantueed first move and great stats.

Heroes of might and magic 3 factions